Prescience Business and Management Development Ltd is a specialist consultancy offering bespoke regional, rural and business development supports in domestic and overseas markets. It draws upon skills and experiences gleaned in over 25 years’ direct practitioner experience in area based, economic and business development. We offer a comprehensive range of advisory and consultancy services to our clients including:
· Regional and Place-based Integrated Development Strategies
· Sectoral & Cluster Initiatives
· Programme, Portfolio and Project Management
· Strategic Planning
. Digital Transformation Strategies
· Enterprise Development & Business Transformation
· Organisational Development, Change & Crisis Management
· Concept Design & New Product Development
· Graphic Design, Branding and Marketing Services.
· Digital and Print Content Development
· Market Appraisal, Feasibility Studies & Research
· Content, Copy & Technical Report Writing
· Grant and Funding Applications
· Data Analysis, Monitoring & Evaluation Services
· Financial Planning & Management
· Risk Management
· Mentoring & Facilitation
. Dealmaking & Negotiation Strategies
Our domestic and overseas clients include transition and convergence regions; cluster, themed and sectoral initiatives; micro, small and medium sized businesses across all sectors as well as third sector, not for profit and non-governmental organisations.
Prescience works with a range of associates and specialists to form skilled and expert project teams to provide exceptional supports and services in the planning and implementation of regional and business development strategies in the domestic and overseas markets. The Prescience project team can be augmented as necessary from within its extensive network of policy experts, academics, specialists and practitioners.
Prescience is a registered business name of Prescience Business and Management Development Ltd, 6 North Square, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork, Ireland. A Private Company Limited by Shares (637759), it was incorporated under the Companies Act 2014 in Dublin, Ireland on the 15th of November 2018.

Prescience was established in 2017 by Ian Dempsey, a rural development specialist with 25 years’ practitioner experience in regional, enterprise and community development in Ireland. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the West Cork LEADER Co-op in 1999 and thereafter served as Chief Executive Officer of the West Cork Development Partnership between 2008 and 2016. He was also Chief Executive Officer and brand architect of the acclaimed West Cork Fuchsia brand. He has an unrivalled record in the planning and implementation of four successive LEADER programmes and as a creator of innovative and progressive area-based local development strategies. Having initiated, collaborated on and contributed to many development initiatives within EU member states and beyond his expertise and experience is widely recognised at policy and practitioner level. In 2008 the Community Development Society of North America awarded Ian Dempsey its prestigious Innovative Program Award in recognition of his work in rural development.
His professional career reflects exceptional management and organisational capabilities, creativity, leadership, resilience and an impeccable work ethic. He draws upon an exceptional record and proven experience in the areas of strategic planning, programme and project management, corporate governance, business and enterprise development, innovation, budgeting & financial management, communications and change management. Award winning specialisms include innovative development strategies and place-based transformation strategies, cluster model development and regional branding.
Ian Dempsey is a graduate of the National University of Ireland, Galway; the Dublin Institute of Technology; University College Cork and the Institute of Technology, Tallaght. He holds degree and post-graduate qualifications in commerce, strategy, management, innovation and project management. He is an alumnus of the PON Global Harvard Law School Executive Education Programme. He is an Associate Member of the Institute of Management Consultants and Advisors.



At Prescience we are guided by strong ethics and values. We value integrity, vision, partnership, innovation and a genuine commitment to effecting change. Lofty ideals for sure but each informs who we are, what we do and how we do it. Be radical or be redundant we were once told. Eventually we became both but hey, that’s another story…What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and all that stuff. Whatever the truth of the saying I guess that we’re more niche and less Nietzsche though.
At Prescience, we understand the voluntary sector and community-led local development, its power and possibility. We recognise grit and honest endeavour and admire the dogged resilience and commitment shown by voluntary effort. We know all too well the policy context in which communities and volunteers operate and the many challenges and frustrations that they face – financial and otherwise – simply to bring about the social, economic and environmental changes that makes it better for us all.
We know you. We know what it takes. We‘ve worked with you in the past and will do so in the future. So if you have a genuine voluntary or charitable initiative and you're struggling to catch a break, here’s the deal. As part of our ethical code and corporate social responsibility policy if we feel we can add value to your endeavour we are prepared to consider on a selective basis, the provision of practical guidance, advice and support pro bono. No contract, no fees and no strings attached. No wild goose chases or white elephants though.
If you would like to know more just get in touch and let us know if and how we might help.


Social Media Updates
September 24, 2020
We post and share interesting content pretty much daily to facebook and linkedin. Occasionally, when we're out and about we'll see something nice and throw it up on Instagram. Twitter is too noisy and being shy types we avoid it. Anyway, have a look around and see what's inspiring or intriguing us. Likes and comments welcome.

West Waterford Skills Database
September 24, 2020
We're delghted to help Waterford LEADER Partnership with its Work West Waterford Initiative. Supported throughthe Rural Regeneration and Development Programme, we've developed a strategy to develop and attract digitally-enabled enterprises to the area. Today an active skills register to quantify the nature and type of local skills has gone live at Work West Waterford Skills Survey
A Useful Guide to Placemaking
September 16, 2020
Placemaking is a multi-faceted approach to the planning, design and management of public spaces. Placemaking capitalizes on a local community's assets, inspiration, and potential, with the intention of creating public spaces that promote people's health, happiness, and well-being. The Project for Public Spaces (PPS) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public spaces that build strong communities. Check out their website for useful tools and resources.


On April 9th next, we'll be delighted to join with other invited experts to discuss the Future of Urban Living with Future IQ and St. George's House, Windsor Castle.
For an overview of the project and the background research papers please see:
For an overview of the project

Smart Villages
We've shortly to deliver a series of training programmes on digital transformation and the development of Smart Village strategies for communities and businesses throughout the Country. If you'd like to learn more, please get in touch.

Remote Working